
2022 – Black · Gold · White

Black Edit gallery Gold Edit gallery White Edit gallery “Black · Gold · White“, 2022 “Black · Gold · White” is an exhibition of the artist Lo Yi-Chun’s creations and explorations over the past ten years using banana peels, tobacco, and bagasse as her materials of choice, that explore cash crops in the historical context …

2022 – Black · Gold · White Read More »

2019 – Big Vases & the Exotic Landscape

Edit gallery “Big Vases and the Exotic Landscape”, 2019Bamboo Splits, fiber paper, Marine litters, banana peelsPresented at Live Forever Foundation, Taichung, Taiwan Back to Works

2019 – Bagasse, Molasses, Ethanol, Just What Is It That Makes Today’s Sugarcane Fields So Different, So Appealing?

Tainan Edit gallery “Sugarcane Fiber, Molasses, Ethanol-blended Aviation Gasoline. Just What Is It That Makes Today’s SUGARCANE FIELDS So Different, So Appealing?”, 2019Sugarcane fiber, bamboo splitsPresented at Tsung-Yeh Art and Culture Center, Tainan, Taiwan Sucrose was one the first exports that brought Taiwan into the fold of world trade and economy in the 17th century …

2019 – Bagasse, Molasses, Ethanol, Just What Is It That Makes Today’s Sugarcane Fields So Different, So Appealing? Read More »