
Chiayi Art Museum: Here Is Where We Meet

Here Is Where We Are, Chiayi Art Museum

Yi-Chun LO participates in the exhibition “Here Is Where We Meet” which is in collaboration with the Tianmei Art Foundation and Chiayi Art Museum. This exhibition references Here Is Where We Meet by English art critic and novelist, John Berger, and alludes to the metaphorical encounters throughout different stages in life; with spiritually intertwined dialogues facilitated without tangible temporal and spatial references, a space where one can encounter and interact with the past and the present is offered.


Here Is Where We Meet
Date | 2023/06/29 – 2023/10/15
Venue | Chiayi Art Museum

Curator  | Erica Yu-Wen Huang

Supervisors  | Ministry of Culture, Chiayi City Government
  | Chiayi Art Museum, Tianmei Art Foundation
Collaborators  | 
TKG+, Mind Set Art Center, Each Modern
Photo credit  | Tianmei Art Foundation
Photo by  | Shibang Wang


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